Monday, September 15, 2014


Poor Felicity is sick.  She has an ear infection in one ear for sure and maybe in the other, and she probably has pneumonia!  Ugh, she had a cough on Friday night and she woke up around 1:00 crying so Mike gave her some ibuprofen and sent her back to bed but she woke up around 3:00 FOR THE DAY and tortured him all night.  When she woke up at 3:00, she woke up Veronica, who got super scared and sad (she is sensitive during the day and it takes on really insane levels in the middle of the night) so I took her into our room.  Felicity fell asleep around 5:30 until 6:30 and that was in for the day.  We were all so tired and sick on Saturday but there was nothing that could be done - Anthony had plans with his respite girl and Maria and Veronica had a birthday party, I had friends in town for the Notre Dame/Purdue game, so we just pressed on.

Saturday night I had to work, we were busy and I had another friend in town who I was waiting on, a group of 15 or so friends, and while I was waiting on them, Mike called and said that Anthony was having a seizure, so I wrapped it up and ran home so he could take him to the ER. I cleaned up Anthony's room (he had been sick to his stomach, too) and did laundry and as soon as I finished, Felicity woke up crying.  I moved her to my room, where she slept for a little bit but she was soon wide awake and crazy, so we went downstairs.  Mike and Anthony had been admitted, so it was just us until she finally fell asleep around 6:00, then the girls woke up at 7:00.

I took them all to the Take Care Clinic at the Walgreens, where the woman felt like she had an ear infection and said that her oxygen ... intake?  Whatever, how much she was getting was 97% and she would probably benefit from a nebulizer treatment but they didn't have a pediatric sized one.  So we went from there to another urgent care, one I had called to see if they had a kids' sized one and they said they did.  We saw a doctor there who said she did have an ear infection and probably pneumonia but he didn't see a reason to confirm it with a chest xray, since the treatment for both things were the same, anti-biotics.  So we went home and started medicating her and she's better.

Ay yi yi, it is always something with these people!  Mike was up all night with her Friday and I was Saturday and last night, THANK GOD, she slept all night.  I am hoping we are over the hump with her and that everyone has a good week. It's so awful to be sick, I know, but it is also awful to be the sick one's mother.  It's so terrible to not sleep and then you have to just - keep doing everything you are supposed to do.  My friend who was visiting came over yesterday and I had a card party that I was invited to sub in, everyone still has to have dinner and do homework and man - all I can say is that I was so glad to see bedtime come last night.  Here's to a better week!

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