We've been home for one week and one day and it's been ... not that awful. When I think about everyone else's babyhood compared to Anthony's, they are all easier. It is a good argument, to me, for having more than one child, that it's been so much easier with subsequent babies compared to that first time. When I think about Anthony being a baby and just having NO idea what was going on, ugh, it was ROUGH. This is rough too, she never lays down on her own, I have been in the chair for over a week, etc., etc., it's just ... easier when you have done it before. Maybe everyone should have to be a night time nanny for one year before they have a baby of their own. Like how in Israel you have to be in the army, no matter what? Or like my friend Tim always says that in order to be allowed to eat in restaurants you should have to have waited tables for a year? Anyway. It's easier but still hard. I'm still tired. She is nursing very well, she has started to pee in earnest, which is good. I took her for her one week checkup this week and she was 9 lbs., 2 oz., so down 7 from birth but they are only supposed to be back at birth weight by two weeks, so hopefully we'll be there. We have to go back to the doctor on ... I can't remember, Monday or Tuesday. She is a little fussy right now, Mike is rocking her. She has her moments of fussy but they don't last too long yet. I can't help but to be hopeful that she won't be the monsters that the other ones were, but I know in order to protect myself that I should just expect it. I am trying to be nice and calm but it's not always working. It's hard to be so tired and not feel like St. Joanne, Martyr of the World.

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