Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Felicity is really getting around these days!  She is a woman on the move!  It's a big pain!  Ha!

She is crawling and pulling up to stand and even cruising a little and it's super exciting.  She is not napping more, like I thought maybe she would but again, she is too good a night time sleeper for me to complain.

My friend Kate just had a baby, her first, and it is bringing back some memories.  It's so hard, he is just one week old and I was thinking today about when Felicity was one week old.  Then I was thinking how different it was when she was a week compared to when Anthony was a week old.  When he was a week old and he had basically not slept at all and screamed all the time, I was so scared and so miserable.  When Felicity was one week old, I was just fine - she was fine, and sleepy, and even though she cried I knew it would come to an end.  I wish I had just KNOWN the crying would come to an end with Anthony, or had faith in it, or something because actually he ended up having so many fewer problems than Felicity did anyway!

It's so hard to believe, right, that she had six ear infections in her first six months?  That she had fevers all the time and screamed and cried and I had to sleep holding her sitting up so she wouldn't yell?  That we had to take her to the damned urgent care all the time?  Now she's so healthy that I have completely missed her nine month appointment with her pediatrician, ha!  I do feel so lucky and grateful that she is so healthy and adorable now.

I took her to the Childwatch today at the Y and she was there for about 30 minutes and she did fine. One thing bugged me though and I think maybe this is because I'm a stay at home mom.  I don't expect people to, like, RAISE her or anything at a childwatch but they put her in a swing and I was like, really?  She is TEN MONTHS OLD.  Can't she just crawl around like I saw some other kids her age doing?  So next time I'm going to mention it.  Otherwise, I'm really happy that she did so well, no crying or anything!  Yay Felicity!  It's all I can ever think, Yay Felicity!

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