Sunday, August 5, 2012

Iron Man

Felicity is some kind of non-napper, I'll say that!  This morning she woke up at 7:30 or something and she napped for one hour this morning, from like 10:30-11:30 and then - that was it - for the day!  She FINALLY went to sleep tonight after 8:00.  The other kids never ever could have made it that long but I always have to remind myself that she sleeps straight through in the night in a way that they didn't at her age.  Veronica didn't sleep through the night until she was like 15 months old!

Tonight I said she was nine months old but Mike said we may as well start saying 10, she'll be 10 months on Friday.  She started crawling this week, she is pulling up to lots of things, and she is cruising around on things, as long as the things are veryvery close together.  She eats everything, but super messily, so who knows how much she gets.  We try and give her one puree a day, usually prunes, which helps her be, ahem, regular.

::Claps Hands:: enough about that!  She is good, she is still pulling the heck out of my hair and she also bites me a LOT and BOY does it hurt.  But she is so sweet and funny, all is forgiven.  When she knows that you're looking at her, she tilts her head all the way down to her shoulder and smiles adorably.  Laura came over today and she was so happy to see her, but she was doing the weirdest thing.  It was like she was waving, but over her face!  Like she would smile and then drag her hand down from her forehead, over her nose, and over her mouth.  Poor stupid baby, I think she thought she was waving!

She claps and does 'so big!' and is all around just fine.  Phew.

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