Thursday, June 12, 2014

Three for Thursday

Let's see.  What is Felicity up to this week?  She is two years and eight months old, closer to three than two.  She is not even remotely interested in toilet training, so much so that I have been kind of laying off talking about it because she gets so mad when I bring it up.  No!. she yells when I innocently ask if she'd like to sit on the potty, or if she thinks she might EVER want to sit on the potty.  She'll do it someday, I'm guessing.

Today I took Maria and Veronica to swim lessons and they were taking off their dresses, under which they had on their suits, and poor Felicity started to take off her clothes too.  After just a little bit of talking, we went to the play area, where she played with this super nice five year old girl and then hell descended upon us in the form of 20 kids from the Child Watch, oh, it was crazy!  There were two childwatch workers there, and the one was really good, or trying to be, telling the big kids to look out for the little kids, but it was rough.  THEN some 11 or 12 year old girl climbed over Felicity to sit on this big block, one that you can climb in, one that is specifically for little kids and is in fact in the little kid area of the play room.  I said, could you let her play in there, she's only two.  Then the girl gave me a hard look, and swung one leg over, still sitting on the block.  So I stood up and said, that's good, but I'm going to need you to get all the way off the block.  Are you kidding me?, I always think.  The Child Watch lady said how sorry she was but I don't expect her to discipline some kid in Child Watch, I felt fine about doing it myself.  But honestly - the way that kids are (I hate to say this because it sounds like an old lady thing to say) today is awful - AWFUL.  It never would have occurred to me to behave like that around an adult when I was that kid's age or even now!  I wouldn't have taken a TOY from a BABY but you know why?  Because I was raised right.  I can't believe that people are so surprised that everyone is so jerky, but they also allow their kids to talk to adults with no respect at all.  Also, I read an article that my friend Gael wrote about Last Day of School Traditions and what are you doing with you kids to celebrate them on their last day of school and I think really?  REALLY?  We have a big parade in town because Maria got from Kindergarten to first grade?  That is the least that is expected from her!  I don't understand anyone or anything and I feel like an alien all the time.

Felicity is so funny - she is a real tough guy about so many things but yesterday we were watching My Little Pony, Veronica's pick, and one of the ponies was having a nightmare about a cougar or something and Felicity freaked out! She ran out of the room screaming!  I assured her it was just pretend, blah blah blah, and she's fine of course but it's just funny what affects people.

Here's some pics!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Joy of Parenting

The other day I saw a picture on Instagram, a blogger I like, who has a baby just a little older than Felicity, was saying how great two is.  How two is her jam.  And other people commented and said oh, them too, wasn't two the BOMB?  DOT COM?  Wasn't it just so great?  And I think - no!  No it is not that great!  And then I think is it me?  It probably is, it probably is just me and my family, because on its face, it should be great. Felicity talks a lot and she is super fun and funny and cute.  Her hair is getting longer and she is the first of my kids to have a little curl to her hair.  She is adorable and funny and smart and, important only to me, seems FINE in the talking/typical behavior department.

But she is also the devil and that is the truth.  She is crazy and here's how.  Yesterday we went upstairs to get ready for church and I held out her cute Easter dress.  I know better than to show her anything involving pants, she only wears dresses.  So I held out this dress and she said, NO!  That is TOO SMALL!  I wanna THISDRESS!  But that dress was Maria's and it was way too big on Maria - it's a size EIGHT!  I said no, Fifi, that is too big, you'll fall down and she said I WANNA WEAR A DRESS!  THAT DRESS!  So I put it on her and she wore it to church, she looked like a lunatic and I'm sure I looked like one too. She was her usual bad self at church, but it was all heightened because she was wearing that ridiculous dress and kept falling down and crying to ME about it.

The thing is, I think she thinks she is Maria's age, I think she really thinks that dress in a 3T would be too small on her, but my question is, then why doesn't she want to go on the toilet like Maria does?  She saves her loudest and most obnoxious NOs for when I innocently ask, do you want to go on the potty?  I mean, she doesn't want to wear clothes or a diaper, and she thinks she's six years old, so wouldn't you naturally think she wants to go to the toilet?  You might think that, but you'd be wrong.

Here's some cute pictures, so we can all forget how crazy she makes a person, and we will all think two is awesome, too, maybe.