Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 13 of Lent

Felicity's cough is better, but she is still sort of runny and gross.  I wonder if she'll ever just be better, but maybe not.  Maybe she has allergies or something?  I don't know, at this stage I'm just hoping she doesn't have to have her tonsils out on my time.

She was kind of rough this morning, she wants to do exactly what she wants to do exactly when she wants to do it and sometimes that just isn't reasonable.  If I start to say no to her she starts crying and screaming immediately and I can't stand it so I just DO what she is asking if I can and I am aware that I am creating a monster but also?  I am so tired and so sick of screaming, and she knows it.  This morning Mike took her to preschool, and when they were walking out she said she wanted to go in the car, so he tok her out to the car and moved the car seat and then she said she wanted to go in the van, ugh!  Mike said you just said you wanted to go in the car and she folded her arms and grunted in this very low tone, VAAAAAANNNN.  So he took her in the van, I mean, what else can you do?  I just hope she outgrows it, this personality flaw, because I don't know what we'll do otherwise.

BUT I want to say something nice about Felicity.  Um.  Oh she is a great dancer!  Last night we were listening to Taylor Swift's Shake it Off before bed and she was dancing around, singing, it was super cute and adorable.

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