Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Magical Age

Twenty one months is NOT a magical age, in my opinion.  I don't think any of them are magical but especially this crappy stage, ugh, what a jerk she is!  I mean, she is adorable and sweet, OF COURSE, but when she is bad she is horrid.

She is sitting across from me right now, eating yogurt and it is a MESS.  She has a spoon but she is mostly using it is spoon yogurt onto her hands, or to push yogurt further into her outfit.  Here, I'll take a picture.

Mess!  But woe to the dummy who tries to HELP HER with that yogurt.  She worked hard for that yogurt, see?  She screamed and yelled and flopped around on the floor for that yogurt, until I finally said, are you hungry?  Would you like some yogurt?  She said YES!, and stormed into the kitchen.

We went to the pool yesterday and she really likes being there, it seems, at the pool if not in the water.  She was pouring water from a little watering can into a bucket and some little girls came over to pour water in it too.  She took her free hand and shoved that kids' watering can right away!  She is a real tough guy, it's awful.

I can't wait until it's just the two of us again.  Today the big girls are at their preschool camp thing and it's just us and it's nice.  I am hoping to get her down for a nap before I have to go get them, but it's hard.  I feel like that's all I say about everything!  It's hard!  But it is.  It's hard out there for a one year old, my friend Meghan said the other day and it's true.  I try and remember that so she doesn't drive me as crazy, but I don't always have the most success.

She'll be two in less than three months.  I wish she had more words, I wish she had more two words (she has zero).  I wish I didn't always have to worry about them so much.

1 comment:

  1. She is freaking adorable. Sounds like a girl who knows her own mind, that is for sure!

    Love reading your blogs- I'm a lame blogger! I can't get my shit together. lol
