Here's a lamp in the new baby's nursery. The theme is called Lambs & Ivy and I bought some stuff from a friend of mine, she took exceptionally good care of it. It was literally in the original packaging, which is v. impressive, to me. I could never be so organized. I needed a new lamp because these CHILDREN of mine have broken Anthony's lamp. I am going picture by picture here because I can't find my longer-range lens and I want to get this done while the girls are napping. So anyways, isn't it cute? I love the idea of baby animals for a theme. Baby animals remind me of babies now, in a way that they didn't used to, before I'd had kids. Now I see my babies in all animal babies - well, not mice or bugs or whatever but like gorillas and puppies and kittens.

OK so this is the dresser. It's kind of a wreck right now, but I am hoping that my Handy brother John can help me with it when he comes to visit here soon. It's three drawers on the left and a little drawer up there on the right and kind of a closet type thing below the small drawer. It has a changing table, it was Anthony's and I've used it for everyone, I love it. Anthony, unfortunately, loves it too, he loves to use the drawers for climbing up to the top, so they are kind of a mess. I think with some wood glue and some screws I can get it working again, at least that's my hope.
That is our old tv to the right, I am going to put it in a stand and use it to watch late night tv when I am nursing. With Veronica and Maria I just went downstairs but our stairs are super steep and I am loathe to tromp down them while holding a little baby.

This is just a view of the changing table part and the lamp. Also, my tassel from my high school graduation. What do people do with these things? Ugh.

These shelves were in the house when we moved in and they will be nice, I figure, for all these stuffed animals - there is a baby elephant and a baby giraffe up there on the left that came with the Lambs & Ivy set. I have some work to do on these shelves, obviously. I'm going to put a noise machine up there, and a L&I picture frame once I have the baby and a picture to put in it. Also, there are the girls' jewelry boxes that I can't keep in their room right now because they are TOO BAD. It is incredibly frustrating to have a four bedroom house, I was telling my sister today, but only be able to keep things in TWO of the bedrooms. Anthony has a bed, a beanbag chair and that's it in his room, otherwise he will use them all to throw around. We can't even hang clothes in his closet because of his hanger thing. Now the girls have started to mess with everything so I had to take everything out of their room, too. It's v. annoying.

Click Clack Couch/Futon. I figure I can either nurse on here or sleep on here or whatever. Maria is my best sleeper and when she was wee, I used to nurse her and then lay her down right after. I'd lie on the futon in her room and as often as not, she'd just go to sleep. I'm hopeful (ha ha ha boo hoo because I will never learn) that it will be the same with this baby.
This is just funny. I love this bench, it has storage in it, and because of the aforementioned storage problems that I have, I figure I'll keep it upstairs and the baby's room is as good a place as any. In my old house, it was in the kitchen and I could always pull it up for extra seating. Anyways. Maria brought all of these stuffed animals and dolls in this morning when she was looking at the room and she named them all, she said "this is Sleepy, and Happy, and Sneezy, and Dopey and Bashful, and Doc and ... um....Sneaky". Ha!
Cute valance, right? I am going to get some window shade film stuff to make it shadier, and then I'm just going to leave the blinds and the valance. I used to have long, long curtains in here and it's too much. The people that lived here before us were crazy about the long curtains and while I appreciate a dark room as much as the next person, they are too long and dreary for us, certainly for a nursery.

I bought this glider when Anthony was a few months old. My mom and dad gave us a beautiful white rocking chair which I used for a few months, but then I rocked it across the room one too many times (Anthony required a lot of movement), and it broke. This glider has been through a lot, I've slept a LOT in it with the girls but it is hanging in there. The bouncy seat there on the left will probably end up downstairs after I have the baby, but for now I am hiding it because Veronica keeps playing the music on it and then leaving the room and they all like to lie down in it.

The crib. This is a mini crib I bought for Veronica back when she was in the closet. I love it, she was in it forever, and it's not a drop side so it's safer than the one I had with Anthony and Maria. I still have that one and I might use it in the future but right now it's up in our attic. The rug is from the collection and I have two mattresses in there - on from our other mini crib that I used to keep at my parents' house. Then I put the bed skirt underneath the hard piece that holds the crib sides out, and then I put the fitted sheet over both mattresses and tuck them all underneath and I think it's a little more comfortable. I know we're not supposed to use sheets or whatever the hell for safety but come on, man! We have to give these babies some comfort without risking their lives right?

Wall hangings. Cute, right? I can't decide if I'm going to leave them like this, or make a circle, or put them straight across. But I wanted to get them up. They are such sweet little pictures. There's a mobile in the crib, it's got lights and music and it makes a picture on the ceiling. Maria liked it, Veevsy Voo not so much, so we'll see about this next one.
OK this has literally taken me all day, it's now almost bedtime for the kids so I SUPPOSE I should spend some QUALITY time with them. Tomorrow I'm going to take some pictures of clothes and stuff that I like. It's very exciting, look out! .
Thank you =)! It is very cute, and it should help me get ideas!! Could you, perhaps, mention what some of your favorite baby things/gifts have been =)?