Sunday, August 7, 2011


"You are never without an ass or an elbow!", my Dad always says whenever any of us complain about anything. But man.  I am DYING here lately with the pregnancy symptoms.  And my friend Chrissy has morning sickness, all day every day for nine months, and she is pregnant with her fourth too so I hate to complain but man.

The other morning, I was waking up and I stretched and got a charlie horse in my thigh.  It's really hard to ROLL anything and make it better so I just have to wait it out, walk around, and try and relax.  It's so hard to do because it hurts so much.  So anyways, it passed and I went to the bathroom because I always have to pee like a crazy racehorse when I wake up.  So (this is gross but whatever) I was PEEING and that damned charlie horse came back!  It was a real conundrum, deciding whether or not it was better to PEE DOWN MY LEG and try and relieve the charlie horse or just sit there in such pain.  For the record, I chose NOT to pee down my leg and suffer through.

I have charlie horses a lot.  Like a LOT a LOT.  Today I worked out, in an effort to feel better mentally and physically and it was a good workout but I got a charlie horse in my foot right after, which sucked.  Also I have a burning hot pain in my little toe sometimes.  Also I have carpel tunnel in both hands and they go to sleep all the time, I wake up with them pins and needles almost every day.  Also I've had such bad heartburn and indigestion recently I think it's going to cause me to have a heart attack. Also I have nine weeks left.  NINE WEEKS.

I can't sleep until I'm so tired that I can't move.  I wake up really early.  I'm super emotional and crazy.  Today I was reading I'll Love You Forever to Maria and I was almost choking on the hidden sobs.  I don't want her to have a memory of this crazy pregnant lady crying and crying all the time.

So I'm going to try to drink more water, try and go to bed earlier, try and wear my braces on my hands, and try to have a better attitude.  I am grateful and happy about this baby, I'm excited to meet him or her, I am grateful.  I am.  But I am also heartburny and sick and tired and probably my hands are asleep and I have a charlie horse in my leg.

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