Sunday, January 22, 2012


That's Anthony's old Janet bib, a gift from my friend Janet when I was pregnant with Anthony. I used to tell her I was going to name the baby Janet whether it was a boy or a girl, ha! Felicity is drooling like a crazy person so she has to wear a bib. It's, like, pre-teething, I guess? She was so crazy and fussy this Friday that I took her to the doctor, I was so afraid she was sick again. She had been up a lot, like every 90 minutes in the night for the two previous nights. BUT he said her ears were fine and she was probably just overstimulated. I have to figure out a different system because Maria and Veronica bug me so much and so loudly when I am trying to put Felicity down for a nap, it feels impossible.

Everyone says, 'she's the fourth!', and that she is just not going to get to take naps and sleep well like the other ones. I have never really liked that, though. I am a big believer in kids getting the sleep they need when they are tiny. It's as important as food to them, I think, and I wouldn't keep FOOD from her just because she's the fourth, right? Because the other kids ate it all up before she was born? It's shoddy logic. And anyway it doesn't work with my kids because they are all sensitive little flowers, fussy poos, wretches, for the first few months, that's just how it is. She is the least fussy of the bunch but I guess even she has her limits.

Anyways, she'll be 15 weeks tomorrow, crazy, right? Onward to four months!

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