Sunday, May 27, 2012


I am worried that Felicity isn't developing on track.  It's so dumb, probably.  But she is 7.5 months old and while she can stay in a seated position if I put her there, for quite a while, she eventually topples over and she never, EVER pushes herself up to sitting.  My friend Sarah's daughter has been sitting up for a LOT longer than Felicity and now she is pushing herself up to sitting, at six months and some days.

Today I took the girls to my friend Marta's house for her daughter's birthday party.  Last year at the party I was pregnant and so was Marta's friend Simona.  Simona had a son, Davide, like three weeks before I had Felicity and he was at the party today and - not to put too fine a point on it, but he could kick Felicity's ASS if they got into a fight.  He was crawling and *standing up* and sort of thinking about taking steps, you could tell.  Ay yi yi - Felicity barely puts weight on her legs in the comfort of my lap!

I know it's not too late for her.  Ha, I know that sounds dramatic.  I mean, I know that she is on the later end but it's not unheard of, especially for a baby who had kind of a rough first six months, to be a little behind.  Her pediatrician said she was fine, but of course he said Anthony was fine too and of course Anthony is FINE, but you know what I mean.

I may make this trouble for myself, but it is exhausting, trying to worry enough to be on top of things but not worry so much that you're not ENJOYING EVERY MOMENT AND DELIGHTING IN YOUR CHILDREN.

1 comment:

  1. Josie was really behind on the physical stuff. She didn't sit up until 8 months probably and didn't crawl until 12 months and even then it was an army crawl. She didn't walk until close to 15 months. I am sure she will do her thing when she is ready. She is probably just laid back being the 4th kid and isn't rushing herself.
