Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Felicity had her surgery yesterday, it went very well.  It's awful, though, and I hope to never do it again.  I was considering getting her up at 3:30 to eat, since she couldn't eat after 4:00 a.m., but I just couldn't do it.  We set the alarm for 3:30 though, so I was up and nervous for the day.  I had to get her out of bed and put her in the car at around 6:30, it was dark and pouring rain.  For some reason, the traffic was TERRIBLE going to the place, we almost were late.  Not that it mattered, because I was supposed to be there at 7:00 and then I had to do 9 minutes of paperwork and vitals and then we sat around for 51 minutes.  But who's counting? 

The doctor is great, everyone was really nice.  It was hard when they took her away, she was all smiles and happy, which was better than crying but I still felt bad.  She was pretty fussy and sad when they brought her back, less than 15 minutes later.  I gave her some water from a bottle (her first!) and took her home and she screamed the whole way.  The doctor said she'd had a lot of liquid in her ears, like molasses, he said.  He said he drained it and now her hearing would be better.  It didn't seem to bother her when she was screaming her head off yesterday, though, and it doesn't seem to be bothering her now, when she is screaming her head off in her crib and protesting her nap. 

Anyways, we went home and I fed her and she fell asleep, then ate and slept and played all day, on and off.  Every time she woke up, she was better and better.  I had to work last night but I guess she was okay going to bed and she slept until 5:00.  I'm worried because I am trying to get her to nap and I am having absolutely ZERO success.  I put her down at 9:45 this morning, two hours after she woke up, and she screamed for 30 minutes.  Now I am trying again, two hours later, and she is pretty mad.  I am determined to get her to go to sleep on her own now that I know that she'll be healthy, but I feel weak about it.  Exactly how much crying do I have to hear from these people?  Sheesh.   
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1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to steal this: "exactly how much crying do I have to hear from these people?"
