Friday, October 17, 2014


I don't know how to not resent the jerk who stayed up all night crying and who is now super tired and crabby and is screaming and screaming in the other room because I shook her chocolate milk.  She just came in here and is yelling "I want to shake the milk!".  It would be funny if it weren't so desperate.  She didn't go to sleep until almost 9:00 last night, after I moved Maria and Veronica out of their own room so they weren't kept up by her screaming.  Then she was up at 12, 2:20 and 5:50 for the day.  I was up with her all those times and now I'm supposed to take this person to ballet at 10:30 and then to lunch to meet some friends.  And THEN I am supposed to go to work!  Is this a joke?  I always think.  Surely this is a joke, right?  This couldn't really be happening to me, I can't really be 46 (and a half!) years old and sitting on a couch with some YAHOO yelling about shaking the milk to me.  Can I?  Is this really happening?  Every day I think there is no way I can keep doing this and some day it's going to be true.

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