Friday, May 18, 2012


Poor Felicity.  She has two big giant Veronica-sized teeth coming in and she's miserable about it.  In the morning, she wakes up so happy and sweet and then one hour later, she is vile and horrible.  She pulls my hair and shrieks in my ear and will not lie down and take a bottle.  I have to stand up and rock her in exactly the right way in order for her to calm down.  Two mornings in a row I've given her Tylenol, which I hate to do when she doesn't have a fever, but she is HOOKED and she wants it so I just give it up and then finally, she sleeps.  She's so great the other times of the day but when she is tired it's awful, just awful.  It makes me doubt all my beliefs.

I was reading this HORRIBLE blog post the other day.  It was allegedly a NICE post, but it was HORRIBLE, which is the worst kind, because it makes you seem like a jerk for recognizing that it's horrible.  It was all about the author BEGGING you to DELIGHT IN YOUR CHILDREN.  I mean, seriously, she was BEGGING us, for the LOVE of ALL that is HOLY, DELIGHT IN YOUR CHILDREN EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY.

That makes me feel awful.  I mean, I am in love with all of these people, and I especially love Felicity right now, she is the littlest and she's been sick and I feel like we have really come through something together.  I am grateful that she is here and that she is better now and - well, I mean, I LOVE HER.  I DO delight in her sometimes!  Most of the time, I daresay.  But it pisses me off to have some youngster who has no other credentials than that she has kids and a computer tell me that I am not DELIGHTING enough in my children.  That I am MISSING out on their childhoods!  Ay yi yi!  How could I be missing out on it, when I'm right here bitching about it?  Ha!

Anyways.  That's what's making me mad this week.  That and the teething.  But the teething will pass, I find it gets easier on them with each tooth, so it won't be long.  Those jerkstore bloggers will be around forever.

1 comment:

  1. Wildly paraphrasing Mother Teresa:
    People will always be jerkstores; love them anyway.
