Monday, May 23, 2016

More May

Two posts in one month! We spend the most unfettered time together, I think, so we have more pictures of Felicity.  She is doing fine, she finished preschool on Thursday and was home with me on Friday, we went to her preschool picnic.  Today Mike is working from home and he has her.  He said she is leaving him alone and letting him work, so that's good!  Tomorrow and Wednesday I'm off and Wednesday is my last day of school so it will be me with Felicity all summer now!  Next year she'll start TK, or Transitional Kindergarten, since she won't be five until October.  She had a great year at preschool.  She is still impossible, She drives me bananas on a daily basis, but she also makes me crazy with happiness and pride.  Her life is not like any of my other kids, Anthony pushes her down whenever he has a chance, no one ever does what she wants, etc., etc., boo hoo, it can be hard to be her, but she really does stay pretty cheery.

She is going crazy with these Baby Alive dolls that she wants, she asks several times a day every day.  A few weeks ago I got her a Baby Alive Bath doll, just on a whim.  I had some money from a survey I took or something and I got it for her.  She immediately started bugging me and everyone for a Baby Boo Boo doll.  Mike said to her one night, Mommy just got you a doll this week! Don't you think two dolls in one week is a lot.  She said, furious, two is not a big number.  One hundred is a big number.  Ha, she kills me.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Here's Felicity, on Monday, when she had to stay home with an ear infection.  She woke up in the night, burning, BURNING, with fever and then Mike took the day off to take her to the clinic.  She's doing much better.  She really is better in general, she hasn't been sick recently.  It's certainly nothing like it was when she was tiny, and so sick all the time, vomiting on my shoulder every time I turned around.

Last night was her preschool program, she sang a million songs and she did just fine.  She seems so happy and content at preschool, which is good because LORD knows she isn't always content at home.  She just - I have to tell her no about every other thing just so that she knows that no is sometimes going to be the answer.  I bought her a new pair of shoes yesterday, sandals at Target, and she loved them, thank you soooo much!, she was yelling.  Then we get on line and she started demanding a Reese's cup, because she "loves peanut butter!".  I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER! WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT?  Lord, child!

Anyway, she is doing fine, here are some cute pictures.