Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Update

Felicity is doing fine, she's been on the antibiotic for a week and a day and although she still has a cough and a runny nose, she hasn't had a fever since last Sunday, and she is in much better spirits, for the most part.  I can't believe she's having those damned adenoids out on Thursday, already.  Lord, lord, I hope and pray it goes well.  I'm nervous but I'm excited that this could make her better.  Mike is taking off of work on Thursday so I can go and not have to worry about the girls.  So far, we have the first appointment of the morning, and I hope it stays that way because of course she's not supposed to have anything to eat or drink after midnight Wednesday night.

It's Father's Day and I'm very grateful that Mike is such a good dad.  I had a great father, and my parents had great fathers, but I swear no one could be as good as Mike is.  He has a lot of challenges, and I fear *I'm* one of them and he is patient with all his charges, which I really appreciate.  Felicity, of all the kids, is so attached to him, she loves him so much, all day she walks around the house saying "Daddy?".  I always say, "Daddy's at work, he'll be home soon", which always satisfies her for the next hour or so.  The other day, I took the girls downtown to the strawberry festival and then we went to lunch and then to the mall.  Mike texted me while we were inside and he met me right outside the mall and I thought those girls would DIE of shock and happiness.  Felicity especially, she was like, shocked and happier than she ever is to see old me.  So anyway, happy father's day to Felicity's Father, and Anthony's and Maria's and Veronica's too.  We're lucky to have you.

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