Sunday, August 3, 2014


I'm sitting around with Felicity, we just got back from a walk.  We went two miles in 39 minutes, which is not great but we stop a lot.  She turns around, she leans out, she wants her shoes off, she drops her crackers/water bottle/shoes, she wants to get down, etc.  I thought maybe she'd fall asleep because she was up early (6:52) and she has a wicked summer cold but alas, she did not.  Now she is sitting on my hip and we are watching some Peppa Pig, which is one of her favorite things lately.

Other favorite things of Felicity's, here at two years and nine months old:

  • having her back or belly scratched
  • short books, Opposites by Sandra Boynton, this cute book my cousin Lisa sent where you count things on the farm, look at colors of the farm, talk about opposites on the farm (if opposite seems like a theme, it is, as it OPPOSITIONAL)
  • swimming, or playing at the pool anyway
  • swinging on the pink swing, which is the baby swing, then the blue swing, which is Anthony's swing, and then jumping on the tramplopline, and she does all three for about two minutes at a time in a kind of circuit.  
  • wearing dresses
  • going to "Miss Judy's House", which is what she calls her preschool.  She has been going on Wednesdays to their little Simply Summer program, just from 9-1 and she loves it.  I can't wait for her to go back this fall, really the end of August.  She loves being there and I love her to be there too.  Or anywhere that is not right up under my arm.