Every time we are having a morning like this, when Felicity slept badly and I'm worried that she's sick, and I'm trying to get her down for a nap but her JERKSTORE sisters will not SHUT UP or LEAVE US ALONE, I think "I'm so blessed to be a stay at home mom" and then I laugh and laugh, like this: ha ha ha boo hoo hoo.
Not really. It does suck that she is sleeping badly but she'd have to go a LONG way to sleep as badly as everyone else, so she is still okay in my book. It's so hard to get her to take a nap with these girls here! They are so unbelievably loud, AND they have to be with me every second of the day, sooooo .. no naps.
I am worried that she is getting sick again, with all these wake ups. She first woke up at 2:00, then 3:30, then 4:45 and then 6:00 for the day. She seemed kind of gassy this morning, and I think maybe I'm not burping her enough when she eats in the night? These damned bottles are killing me, they are such a pain, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing at all. She usually falls asleep drinking, so I guess I should burp her and then lay her down but sometimes she won't burp or sometimes it wakes her up. Ugh.
She is really getting super cute, thank God. She holds her head up really well, she's bringing her hands together and she is cooing more and more. She was 14 weeks on Monday, so we are really getting there. I guess before we know it, she'll be four months and then six months and then we'll have a crawling baby, just in time for summer. I can't wait!