Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Name that Baby

We are going to use our same boy name, Augustine Thomas, for this baby if it's a boy.  I am SICK of this name but I am getting over myself, because at one time I really liked it and I don't know why I should change it.  Our girl name is harder - I really like Felicity but Mike wasn't as enthusiastic about it as I would have liked.  But I like it a lot, maybe enough for both of us.  Felicity.  Felicity Rose.  Felicity Beatrice.  It has a lot of possibilities, I think.  

I went to the doctor today and all is well, even though I have gained seven pounds in a month.  I have been exercising a lot but also eating a lot.  I'm going to start working on the food thing, story of my LIFE.

Monday, May 9, 2011

17 weeks

I am starting this blog later than I started Veronica's.  I am going to the doctor tomorrow and I will more than likely have an ultrasound, so maybe I'll have pictures.  Ever since I was pregnant with Maria, I can never get the heartbeat in a normal way.  With Maria and Veronica, I had an anterior placenta, and with this one the ultrasound tech said my uterus was tilted.  I'll tell you what it makes me feel like and that is FAT, I feel like they can't even get through it all with a stethoscope!  I know that's not the case but it's annoying.  Plus last time, I was like 13 or 14 weeks and the tech wanted to do a camera ultrasound, like a vaginal one?  I was all, um, what in the who now?  Why do I have to take off my PANTS?  But anyways, more pictures, plus I like to see the baby.  It's getting really exciting.  I am thinking of how to decorate the nursery, stuff like that.  I wish I were further along, but I always do.